Location,Rajanagaram ,E.G.D, A.P
8886668088, 8886668089



M 10

Crushing Strength Of Course Aggregate For M10 Concrete, Tests were carried out for compressive strength splitting strength and elastic modulus a demolished concrete pavement as recycled aggregate in stabilizing the base course for Recycled concrete aggregate RCA is generally produced by the crushing.
The determination of aggregate crushing strength is an important test in your civil engineering know that aggregates are the one the basic unit of the building is used in several construction processes such as in a concrete road.

M 20

M20 concrete mix ratio is 1:1.5:3, made of a mixture of cement, sand, and aggregate in which one part is cement, 1.5 part is sand and 3 part is aggregate or stone.
It means 1 bag of cement mixed with 1.5 bags of sand and three bags of aggregate to make a concrete mix of M20 grade of concrete.
As we know that during concreting when we place wet concrete its gets hardened after certain standard time 30 minute to 10 hours and voids of concrete is completely evaporated so there is a decrease in their volume and there volume is decrease by about 54% it means a dry volume of concrete is increased by 54%.

M 25

The compressive strength of different mix proportions of M25 concrete specimens has been observed that compressive strength increased with the use of stone slurry up to 7.5% replacement of cement due to the filling of voids of cement matrix; whereas replacement of cement by stone slurry powder at 10% decreased due to reduction in cementitious materials. The Addition of calcium nitrate increased the strength due to The increase in lime content (Neville, 1997) and The results were in good agreement with Aggoun et al., 2008. The Addition of TEA decreased the strength at all curing ages (Han et al., 2015). The compressive strength of M25 concrete of various mix proportions varied from 27.27 MPa to 34.75 MPa at 7 days and 31.86 MPa to 37.79 MPa at 28 days respectively.

M 30

Large structures have high strength requirements and are therefore used for higher grades of concrete, such as M30 and above. The mixing proportions of these concretes are based on the design of the mix.

M 40

The introduction of stone slurry powder at 7.5% (mix T2) and 10% (mix T9) decreased the cost of M45 concrete by 3% and 4% respectively in comparison to The control mix. CN (T4) and TEA (T3) increased the cost by 22% and 3% with reference to The control mix. The cost of M45 concrete increased by 24%, 0.5%, 21%, 23%,0.6%, 20% and 22% for mix proportions T5, T6, T7, T8, T10, T11 and T12 respectively with reference to control mix. The mix T9 was found to be optimum among all the mix proportions with a 4% reduction in cost.